The federal court system oversees maritime injuries in New Jersey and other states in the United States. They may assign the case to a state court system if they wish and order states to try several parties who may be guilty of wrongdoing in the same case. Injured workers may be eligible for several types of compensation.
Maintenance and Cure Payments
Workers may be entitled to maintenance payments following an injury. Generally, these payments only cover housing. They may also receive cure payments, covering medical expenses after an injury. These payments usually last until a doctor releases the maritime worker to return to his job.
Payments under the Jones Act
Maritime workers may also receive payments under the Jones Act if they can prove that their employer was responsible for the accident in any way. The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management may share oversight of these maritime injury cases.
Payments under the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act
Maritime workers may also receive compensation under the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act. Unlike the Jones Act, workers may receive money following an injury if the accident happened near the water, such as at a shipbuilder, ship merchant or harbor warehouse. This compensation covers a part of the injured worker’s salary, or in the event of a death, it pays the widow part of the worker’s salary.
Compensation Under the Death at High Seas Act
The Death at High Seas Act provides payments to any worker’s family killed while working more than three miles from the United States coastline.
Workers can receive compensation under several laws if they suffer maritime injuries or death.