If you work in the maritime industry, then it’s likely that you’ve heard about the Jones Act. This federal law’s alternate name is the Merchant Marine Act of 1920. It is a piece of federal legislation that, among other things, protects seamen who are injured on the job.
Seamen are eligible to receive protection under the Federal Employer’s Liability Act (FELA) largely because of the provisions that exist under 46 U.S.C. § 30104, also known as the Jones Act.
The Jones Act allows any seaman who is hurt or killed on the job to sue their employer for their injury-related costs either in state or federal court. This federal legislation also allows injured maritime workers to request a jury trial to decide their case.
There are many inherent dangers associated with working at sea. The weather is often unpredictable. This often results in choppy seas. There’s an abundance of heavy machinery that can malfunction. Slippery top decks make workers prone to falling. Many boats have electrical components that put seamen at risk. There’s also a constant risk of drowning.
Many seamen are forced to put in hard labor during long shifts with very little rest. This makes them vulnerable to getting hurt. Those seamen who are injured are often so far out at sea that they have difficulty getting the immediate help that they need when they do get hurt. They’re often left with lasting disabilities or die because of this.
If you or a loved one have been hurt while working at sea, then you may benefit from discussing the events leading up to your injuries or a relative’s death with a Jones Act attorney here in Manhattan. They can advise you what protections may exist on a New York state and federal level that may allow you to recover compensation for your injury-related costs.