Investigations are still underway to determine the exact cause of a cruise ship accident that occurred on New York’s St. Lawrence Seaway. According to reports, the accident occurred on June 18 when the cruise ship known as the Saint Laurent crashed into and “upstream bumper at Eisenhower Lock.”
At the time of the accident, a total of 192 passengers, 81 crew members and one captain were aboard the sea vessel. Officials report that 30 individuals suffered injuries when the hulking ship crashed into the lock’s wall. While most of the injuries suffered were reported to be minor in nature and those impacted were treated and released from the hospital, two individuals reportedly suffered serious injuries for which additional treatments were necessary.
Thankfully in this accident, there were no fatalities. This fortunate outcome was largely attributed to the fact that, despite sustaining damage including a sizable hole in its bow, the ship was able to stay afloat as the lock waters could be lowered below the impact site. The government’s website for the Saint Lawrence Seaway reports that the Saint Laurent was “safely refloated” down the Eisenhower Lock on June 20.
For the passengers and crew members aboard the vessel at the time of the accident, this harrowing experience is one that they likely won’t soon forget. For those passengers and crew members who were impacted, they may be able to recover compensation related to the medical expenses and physical injuries incurred and suffered.
Accidents, and the resulting injuries, which involve cruise ships and other sea vessels are governed by maritime and admiralty laws. For individuals who wish to pursue legal action related to injuries they suffered while aboard a ship, it’s wise to consult with an attorney who handles maritime and admiralty law matters.
Source: Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, “Media Advisory – Vessel ‘Saint Laurent’ (Final),” July 1, 2015
Huffington Post, “Cruise Ship Crashes Into Wall, Smashes Hole In Bow, Traps Hundreds Of Passengers Onboard,” Katie Sola, June 19, 2015